Job Purpose: Consultant will be responsible for several projects in a year at one go, he/she will visit client’s business on regular intervals and with the help of SME-Subject Matter Expert’s, PC-Principal Consultant implements the SOW at client’s business
Consultant will visit clients’ businesses at regular intervals and implement thedefined SOW within timelines.
He/she is responsible for doing research and understanding the industry,competitive analysis, and various distribution models for the client.
Consultant is responsible for understanding, finalizing, and documenting sow of theclient in sync with PC-Principal Consultant and SME-Subject Matter Experts.
He/she is responsible for the execution of the agreement along with finalized sowwith the help of a legal team.
Responsible for finalizing, yearly sales strategy and budgets of clients with the helpof PC and SME.
Responsible for identifying resources required to implement the SOW at client’splace and getting it arranged through the client, at his/her place.
Responsible for training and development of client’s team and felicitating GMM-Growth multiplication meeting.
Responsible for preparing, submitting, and implementing the monthly plan, atclients’ place through the client’s team within defined TATs.