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Recruiters self help guide (FAQs)

We have listed down some basic questions, you can always reach out at:


Q1) How is Job Hai better than other free Job Posting sites?faq

Job Hai simplifies the process of hiring staff. Below are some of the reasons why Job Hai is better than other Job Posting sites:

  • You can post a job for free and within no time

  • You can now hire staff in Delhi, Noida, Ghaziabad, Gurgaon, Faridabad, Mumbai, Bangalore, Pune,Hyderabad,Chennai,Jaipur and 400+ more cities

  • You can hire nearby candidates from a pool of over 13.8 M+ job seekers

  • You can hire from 44 job categories in just 48 hours

Q2) What is your company’s benefit in free Job Posting?faq

It is an opportunity for us to learn how hiring happens in this segment and to help our recruiters in getting the best candidates
On the other hand, we are helping job seekers find relevant jobs for free.

Q3) Is this a consultancy?faq

No, we are not a consultant. We are here to provide the best staff for your requirement while charging no fees from job seekers.

Q4) Is Job Hai Recruiter available on IOS?faq

Currently Job Hai Recruiter is available on Google Play store and you can also access the website to post a job.

Q5) How to contact

You can directly contact us on:

  • Email id -

  • Contact number- 1800-203-5244

  • Use ‘Need Help’ in-app to initiate assistance via Whatsapp



Q1) How to post a job on Job Hai?faq

Below are 4 easy steps for free Job Posting:- 

Q2) How many job posts can a recruiter make?faq

Recruiter can use our  post a job feature to post up to three jobs at any given time and upto five job post in a given month (including job edit and job refresh).

Recruiters can always purchase paid products if they have more requirements

Q3) Any payment required to post my job on Job Hai?faq

Job Hai is a free Job Posting portal for recruiters

Q4) What should I avoid when posting a job?faq

Candidates search for a job by using the details of your job title and description. Therefore, the Job Posting should be clear, with brief job descriptions and concise title.

Q5) Does Job Hai review my job post before making it visible to job seekers?faq

Internal operations team validate the Job Posting (till then the post will show ‘Under Review’) and make it live, which will then be visible to the candidates who can apply on jobs or call the recruiter.

Q6) How long does it take for my job to be visible on Job Hai?faq

It takes just 10 minutes after your free job posting to be visible on Job Hai (on a working day).

Q7) Does Job Hai provide guidelines for what types of jobs can be posted?faq

Yes, at Job Hai, we offer clear guidelines for the types of jobs that can be posted. We have 44 pre-defined categories for job postings to ensure a structured approach. Rest assured, we only accept genuine and safe job listings from verified recruiters.

Q8) What information do I need to post a job on Job hai?faq

In order to post a job and hire quality candidates, every recruiter should:

  • Provide the company details
  • Mention a clear job title
  • Write a short and clear job description
  • Post job openings count
  • Provide information regarding the working days and timings
  • Mention the salary and perks details
  • Provide some basic details about desired candidates such as experience, skills, gender, location, minimum qualification etc.
  • Must provide interview and job location
Q9) Why do I need to complete my Company KYC?faq

Document Verification enables the jobseeker to trust the company they are applying for and to ensure protection against fake recruiters.

Q10) How can I upload company documents?faq

If your Company Document is not uploaded you will see a message on your dashboard. Follow the below steps:-

  1. Click on Verify your account
  2. Choose the document you want to upload from the list
  3. Type the document registration number
  4. Click on Upload Button and choose the document from your device
  5. Click on Verify Account
Q11) My company is new hence I do not have government-approved documents yet. What to do in that case?faq

We are eager to onboard you and assist you in staff hiring for your new company, however, we won’t be able to post your job without authentic documents.

Q12) Can I upload my personal documents to get the job post live?faq

To complete the Company KYC, we accept authentic Company documents only. This ensures smooth Recruiter onboarding and quicker job posting.

Q13) Why is my job rejected?faq

There can be multiple reasons for your job post getting rejected.

You can check for the exact reason on the Job Tuple on your Recruiter Dashboard.

Q14) How do I edit the details in my job posting?faq

You can click on the three dots on your job card and click on edit details. Once you have saved the changes, your posted job will be reviewed before making it live

Please note: The freshness of your job post will not be affected.

Q15) We are from the hiring team, management will not give us documents to upload. What to do in that case?faq

As much as we are eager to post and advertise your job we are also firm with Company KYC hence the documents are mandatory. You can share your Recruiter login details with the authorised member in order to upload the document from their end.

Please be rest assured the company documents will not be misused or forwarded to any third party.

Q16) Why is uploading documents compulsory?faq

Document Upload/ Account verification enables Job Hai to create a pool of genuine Jobs only and eliminate the fake hiring activity from recruiters.

Q17) How to add jobs for multiple locations?faq

Since our USP is helping recruiters with nearby candidates for better hiring, hence you have to post multiple jobs for multiple localities. This will help you to find candidates near you in a filtered manner.



Q1) How to hire after posting a job for free?faq

To hire after posting a job on Job Hai, review incoming applications and explore candidate recommendations. Contact promising candidates by calling, shortlisting, or inviting them for an interview directly through our platform to streamline the hiring process.

Q2) How to contact job seekers & hire the right candidate as per your requirement?faq
  • Provide your contact details in the job post (phone & email)
  • Start getting applies and calls from job seekers
  • Screen and shortlist or just directly call the right candidate from received applications and recommendations
Q3) Does Job Hai give Job Seeker’s Database access?faq

Job Hai does not give database access. However, recruiters can access the list of applications and recommended candidates on their Job Posting.
At present, 3.5L+ recruiters are actively hiring from Job Hai.

Q4) How does Job Hai help me with my hiring after I have posted my job?faq

As soon as your job goes live, you'll instantly receive recommendations for up to 20 job seekers. At the same time, job seekers can apply for the job or contact you directly. You can call them, invite them for an interview, or decline their application as you see fit.

Q5) How does Job hai help me in screening candidates?faq

We screen the candidates by asking them relevant questions to score them on the basis of:

  • Aptitude
  • English
  • MS Excel
  • MS Word
  • Communication skills


Q1) What are the types of job postings available on Job Hai?faq
Job Hai offers two main types of job postings:
1. Premium Jobs: These help you in hiring faster by offering several key benefits, such as:
  • Boosted job visibility- Visibility of your job will be boosted on jobseekers’ job search page.
  • High number of Direct Applies- More job seekers directly apply to your job.
  • High number of Database Matches- Get details of more candidates who match your job requirements.
  • ‘Urgent Hiring’ tag- Highlight your job and increase your chances of a quick hire.
2. Basic Jobs: These postings are a good way to get started with Job Hai and showcase your open positions. However, they come with some limitations, including low number of Direct Applies and Database Matches.
Q2) For how long will my Premium Job be active on Job hai?faq
All Premium Jobs remain active on Job Hai for 30 days from the date they are made active.
Q3) Can I upgrade my basic job to a Premium Job?faq
Absolutely! To upgrade your basic job click on the ‘Upgrade to Premium’ button on your Active jobs. The job will remain active for 30 days from the date it got upgraded.
Q4) Can I get a refund once my Premium Job has gone active?faq

To ensure fairness and consistency for all users, we currently have a no-refund policy for our services. However, if you have a specific concern or question regarding a purchase, please feel free to reach out to our Customer Support Team at 1800-203-5244 or email us at



Q1) What are Job Hai Credits?faq
Job Hai Credits can be purchased on our platform and are used to post Premium Jobs, which enable you to hire faster. Purchase Job Hai Credits here!
Q2) How do I buy Job Hai Credits?faq
Click here to purchase Job Hai Credits. You can also reach out to the Job Hai sales team at 8766356029 or email us at to purchase Job Hai Credits.
Q3) What is the validity of my Job Hai Credits?faq
The validity period of your Job Hai Credits is 30 days from the date they are purchased
Q4) I need to purchase Job Hai Credits in bulk. What should I do?faq
While our online platform currently allows for purchases of up to 5,000 Job Hai Credits at a time, we can help with larger needs! To fulfill your bulk requirements contact our Sales Team at 8766356029 or email us at
Q5) My payment has failed but my money got deducted. What do I do?faq
Please contact your bank directly for further assistance in resolving this matter as this can happen due to issues with your bank or card provider.
Q6) How can I view details of all my Credit related transactions?faq
You can view all such details in the Transaction History page. Click here to view transaction history.
Q7) Why are my Credits reserved?faq
Your Credits are reserved while Job Hai’s internal team reviews your Premium Job. Till then you can see your job posting in the ‘Under review’ tab. Don't worry! Your credits are safe. We only charge you if your job is made active. Credits will be consumed only when your Premium Job is made active. If the job gets rejected, Credits will be made available for further use.
Q8) How can I get the invoice for my purchase?faq
Your invoices for all Job Hai purchases are sent to your registered email address from within 5 business days of your purchase. In case of any queries regarding your invoices, feel free to reach out to 1800-203-5244 or email us at
Q9) Is it possible to update the GST number mentioned in my invoice?faq
Updating the GST number mentioned in your existing invoice is not possible. In case of any queries regarding the same, feel free to reach out to 1800-203-5244 or email us at
Q10) Can I transfer Job Hai Credits to my colleagues?faq
Please reach out to our customer service team at 1800-203-5244 or email us at to transfer your Job Hai Credits to your colleague’s account.
Q11) What is Job Hai’s refund policy?faq
To ensure fairness and consistency for all users, we have a no-refund policy for our services. However, if you have a specific concern or question regarding a purchase, please feel free to reach out to our Customer Support Team at 1800-203-5244 or email us at


Q1) Do I need to confirm my email address to make my job visible on Job Hai?faq

Confirming your email is an important part of the account setup process. Also verifying your email ID help us to post your job, notify you about new applications received and to share recommended candidates

Q2) How to edit the contact details in a job post?faq

Editing contact details is straightforward; just download the application , go to the profile section, click on "edit," and you can then make the necessary changes.

Q3) How to complete a profile for a better Job Posting?faq

The Recruiter Profile completion process is important as it helps us in providing correct details to the job seekers on the job post, so to complete details perfectly you need to visit the recruiter profile section and provide complete details like company name, contact details etc.

Q4) How to close the job after the hiring is completed?faq

You can click on the three dots on your job card and click on Close Job. You will be asked the reason for closure. Select the appropriate reason and Submit. Your job will be closed.

Q5) How do I change my login mobile number?faq
  • Step 1 - Go to Recruiter profile on Job Hai Recruiter App
  • Step 2 - Click on edit against your Profile picture
  • Step 3 - Update phone number
  • Step 4 - Enter OTP


Q1) How to find relevant Jobseekers?faq

To find relevant Job Seekers we recommend you to:-

  1. Check all the available details before shortlisting or calling the candidates
  2. Check Strong matched candidates for best results
Q2) How do I advertise/promote a job posting?faq

We have an option to share your job post, you can simply share the job vacancy post on social media or you can also get in touch with Job Hai team for paid promotions and job advertisements for quicker and better results.

Q3) What does a good job posting look like?faq

A Good job posting should include all the relevant information a job seeker should know before applying for a job like Job City & Locality, Job title & role, Salary range, Job Description, Working days etc.

It is advisable to be crisp and clear about your hiring requirements while writing a job post.

Q4) How to attract the most qualified applicants?faq

Key components to attract qualified applicants in order of preference:-

  1. Job Title & Role
  2. Job City & Locality
  3. Salary & Perks
  4. Gender
  5. Qualification
  6. Working days and time
  7. Job Description
Q5) How is the cost per hire calculated?faq

Cost per hire is the sum of all recruiting costs divided by the number of hires in a specific time period. With Job Hai, your hiring cost significantly goes down as it helps you with free job posts and unlimited applications.

Q6) How can I hire a lot of employees quickly?faq

Key components to hire a lot of employees quickly:-

  • Step 1 - Have a mass hiring plan in place
  • Step 2 - Expand your candidate sourcing
  • Step 3 - Bring your candidates together
  • Step 4 - Develop a fast screening process
  • Step 5 – Avoid big group interviews
  • Step 6 - Don't forget to follow up
  • Step 7 - Plan the employee training and staff onboarding process
Q7) How can I hire for free?faq

You can post a job for free on Job Hai and hire candidates by calling them directly. You will also get candidate recommendations on Job Hai.