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Popular Questions
How to find the latest Voice job openings at Lighting Logistics?
Ans: You can select the job type as Voice and company as Lighting Logistics on the Job Hai app or website to find Voice jobs at Lighting Logistics easily. You may also add other filters like your preferred job role, city and locality.
What is the highest salary for Voice jobs at Lighting Logistics?
Ans: The highest salary for Voice jobs at Lighting Logistics is currently ₹30000. New jobs are added frequently so the highest salary keeps on changing.
How to find and apply for Voice jobs at Lighting Logistics using the Job Hai app?
Ans: You can easily apply and get Voice jobs at Lighting Logistics on the Job Hai app.
Download Job Hai app
Sign up/ Login using your mobile number and complete your profile
Select your city or where you want to work
Select the type of job as Voice
Choose your preferred company as Lighting Logistics
Apply for all the relevant Voice jobs at Lighting Logistics and schedule an interview by calling the HR directly
How many Voice jobs do you have from Lighting Logistics?
Ans: We have a total of 2 Voice jobs from Lighting Logistics currently. New jobs get added everyday. Check back again tomorrow to find new Lighting Logistics Voice jobs.
What are the other Popular Companies offering Voice jobs ?