Job Definition : Responsible for liquidating all liabilities incurred by the Hotel after carefully and timely scrutinizing all records and ensuring that they have been processed accurately and. Also responsible for all disbursements of accounts payable based on cash flow.
Duties and Responsibilities:
1.To scrutinize all invoices and verify their accuracy for units of issue, unit price, and applicable taxes like whether Vat /CST has been rightly charged.
2.To double check invoices with purchase orders and receiving receipts. And to issue Debit Notes to the suppliers for Rate variance or qty. shortage.
3.To Punch all the bills in the systems in appropriate ledger A/Cs on daily basis so that month ending can be done on a timely basis.
4.Check approval for invoices from the appropriate HOD prior to the issue of a cheque. To maintain records of all disbursements as required for company controls like cheque issue registers, TDS register etc.
5.To timely deposit all the statuary dues the returns of TDS/VAT/Service tax.
6.To maintain all records as required by the Hotel ( like up to date Vendor Data )
7.To prepare and submit cheques with supporting documentation to CHIEF ACCOUNTANT & GENERAL MANAGER.
8.Maintain close coordination with purchase / receiving staff.