Business Responsibility Areas
(Please detail out at least 8-10 responsibility areas)
Key Performance Indicators
Main Responsibilities:
ECA will be allocated at local dealer counter.
The ECA is to approach the consumers who walk-in to the store and inquire about their painting requirements.
The consumers who already have a contractor for executing the painting job need to be pitched only the Color Consultancy/Color Visualization/ Royale Play Design/ Stencil/ Signature/ Ext. Wall Art on the Ezycolour Kiosk / Booklet and taken through it.
The( consumers who don’t have a contractor for executing the painting job need to be pitched the Paint Right Service apart (from Color Consultancy/Color Visualization on the Ezycolour Kiosk).
As part of the Paint Right Service, the ECA needs to visit the consumer at his house at the appointment date & time.
On the first visit, the ECA is to do Site Evaluation and Site Measurement using the Paint Right Evaluation Kit, fill the Site Evaluation & Site Measurement formats and hand them over to the consumer.
Post the same, the ECA is to provide Product Consultancy based on the Site Evaluation. Up selling (Special Effects, Luxury Emulsions) and Cross Selling (Smart Care, Wood finishes) would be the priority in Product Consultancy.
After product consultancy, the ECA shows the profiles of Ezycolour Trained Contractors along with their contact numbers OR pitches the Complete Painting Service as per the Dealer Capability.
In case the consumer wants to go for Complete Painting Service, the ECA can show the Rate Card, the Terms & Conditions of the Service and ask the consumer to speak with the dealer for taking it forward.
ECA has to do the recce, track and maintain potential upcoming painting sites and consumer details nearby his local shop
The ECA will visit the consumer house for Site Supervision at least once or more (as agreed upon with the dealer) while the site is in Work-In-Progress stage. There might be a final Site Closure visit after the completion of work (as agreed upon with the dealer).
The ECA will have to fill the Daily( Work Report for every day of the week and share the same with the Team Leader every Saturday without fail.
Other responsibilities:
Daily updates of all activities on the CA app
Co-ordinate with contractors and ensure their attendance in all contractor training programs organized by asian paints.