Awesome app to find jobs for freshers. Quick response.
Thank you job hai. Nice app to find freshers' jobs. Love you.
Monu Vishwakarma
Great app to find jobs for freshers. Easy to use.
Ratnesh sharma
Good app to find jobs for freshers👍💯
rajesh addala
Good, it’s working and helpful to find jobs for freshers.
Monty sehgal
It's a very good app to find jobs for freshers and I think it will help me a lot to get work. Great app.
Khizir siddiqui
All jobs are guaranteed with HR call options... Really good app for freshers looking for a job.
Shahul Hameed
This is a very great app to find jobs for freshers.
Lilavati Ramraj
Quick steps to create a profile and apply. Good to find jobs for freshers.
Triloki Nath
नेहमी विचारले जाणारे प्रश्न
How to find the latest vacancies & openings for Fresher jobs in Bangalore?
Ans: You can select your preferred city as Bangalore and type as Fresher jobs on the Job Hai app or website. You will get hundreds of different jobs to choose from. Download Job Hai app and apply for Fresher jobs in Bangalore of your interest.
What are the top companies hiring for Fresher jobs in Bangalore?
Ans: Job Hai has many top companies like Urban Company jobs, SWIGGY jobs, BLINKIT jobs, Yes Madam jobs and Moove jobs and several other companies hiring for Fresher jobs in Bangalore.
How to apply for Fresher jobs in Bangalore using the Job Hai app?
Ans: You can easily apply and get jobs for Freshers in Bangalore on the Job Hai app by following these easy steps:
Download Job Hai app
Sign up/Login using your mobile number and complete your profile
Set your city as Bangalore
Select the type of job as ‘Fresher’
Go to the profile section and choose the category of job you want
Apply for the relevant Fresher jobs in Bangalore and schedule an interview by calling the HR directly
What is the salary for jobs for Freshers in Bangalore?
Ans: The salary for jobs for freshers in Bangalore depends on your educational qualifications and skills. The highest salary for Fresher jobs in Bangalore is currently ₹90000 per month.
Are freshers paid less than people with work experience in Bangalore?
Ans: Yes, generally those with relevant work experience earn more than freshers in Bangalore. But there are exceptions where people with good profiles and qualifications are paid more than candidates with work experience in Bangalore.
How many Fresher jobs do you have in Bangalore?
Ans: We have a total of 1948+ Fresher jobs in Bangalore currently. New jobs get added everyday. Check back again tomorrow to find new jobs. You can also explore other Jobs in Bangalore.