1. To call persons who are absent without taking leave. To ask them why they have not come? Whether they will come next day? Also to ask contractors if contractors manpower is short/not coming?
- To keep always all files ready, updated and secured all the time. To check now all the files yourself.
- Plan for overtime(O.T) with Production team & Dispatch team etc. for Sunday and Holidays also( If required)
- To take at least 2 Rounds on all Shop Floors and open Areas to check for lights, Housekeeping, Maintenance, People working or sitting Idle etc.?Take action immediately then and there.
2. Liasoning functions like Liasoning with Police, Labour Department, Lawyers and other Govt. Departments.
3. To depute manpower available at our factory to our various sites in India. Planning, arranging Tickets and Coordination with clients/Site In charge/HO is to be done.
4. Security of Men, Machine and Manpower to be planned and handled. There must be no theft in the factory, so manage security in such a way. Security persons must work on rotational duties.
5. To complete all formalities regarding acts like with PF/ESI/Labour Acts/Health & Safety/Electricity/D.G. Sets/Environment and Pollution. All Compliances must be there on time. To keep all Registers/Documents/Certificates/NDC ready and updated all the time. Annual Health checkup (For Sugar, B.P and other Health Issues-As per Doctor) to be done i.e Blood Check Up, X-Ray,Ultrasound (If Doctor recommended etc.
6. To keep always full strength of manpower in factory (Not more/ not less). Manpower (In case of shortage) is to be arranged by you from your own sources.
7. You will have to work from your own Hands & independently. However we will give 1 Part Time person to assist you to complete your jobs and assignments.
8. Housekeeping of factory premises (From inside and outside) is to be taken care. All areas must be kept clean and hygienic at all the times. Take care outside factory is equally important.
9. To check workmen should keep on working always. Supervisors /Engineers should be on shop Floors & open areas where Assembly (Erection) or any other Jobs/Work is carried out.
10. Not to involve yourself in activities related with Sale of scrap etc./Purchase of Items etc., unless and otherwise not told to do so.
11. To handle maintenance activities,/AMS related with DGs, Drinking water, Sewage, Building/Roads / Open Areas/ Boundary Walls, Toilets, Electricity,Fans,ACs, Lights. Proper ventilation and Lighting must be always there on shop Floors and open areas. To coordinate with factory care taker and to get all such Jobs on time.
12. To Hire Manpower and to exit with Consent of Production Manager, Production Coordinator and H.O written permission has to be taken.
13. Any other Job as per requirement of company and Jobs & responsibilities mentioned here can be added/deleted/changed, at sole discretion of management.