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1 Retail Sales Executive Jobs in Kailash Nagar, Hyderabad


Retail Sales Executive

11,000 - 13,000 /Month
Vijetha Supermarkets
Kailash Nagar, Hyderabad
Below 10th
Full Time
10 Openings
SkillsCustomer Handling, Product Demo, Store Inventory Handling

Popular Questions

How to find the latest Retail Sales Executive Job Openings in Kailash Nagar, Hyderabad?faq
Ans: You can select your preferred city as Hyderabad, locality as Kailash Nagar and role as Retail Sales Executive on the Job Hai app or website. You will get hundreds of different jobs to choose from for the Retail Sales Executive job role.Download Job Hai app and apply for Retail Sales Executive jobs in Kailash Nagar, Hyderabad.

You can also explore Retail Sales Executive Jobs in Jubilee Hills, Hyderabad, Retail Sales Executive Jobs in Gachibowli, Hyderabad and Retail Sales Executive Jobs in Kokapet, Hyderabad and from many more localities in Hyderabad.

What is the salary for Retail Sales Executive jobs in Kailash Nagar, Hyderabad?faq
Ans: The salary for Retail Sales Executive jobs in Kailash Nagar, Hyderabad depends on your experience and skills. Generally, the salary ranges from ₹16421 to ₹35000 per month.
What are the top companies hiring for Retail Sales Executive jobs in Kailash Nagar, Hyderabad?faq
Ans: Job Hai has many top companies like VIJETHA SUPERMARKETS PRIVATE LIMITED jobs and several other companies hiring for Retail Sales Executive job roles in Kailash Nagar, Hyderabad.
How to apply for Retail Sales Executive jobs in Kailash Nagar, Hyderabad using the Job Hai app?faq
Ans: You can easily apply and get Retail Sales Executive jobs in Kailash Nagar, Hyderabad on the Job Hai app by following these easy steps:
  • Download Job Hai app
  • Sign up/Login using your mobile number and complete your profile
  • Set your city as Hyderabad
  • Set your locality as Kailash Nagar
  • Go to the profile section and select the Retail Sales Executive role
  • Apply for the relevant Retail Sales Executive jobs in Kailash Nagar, Hyderabad and schedule an interview by calling the HR directly
Do you have Work from Home jobs in Kailash Nagar, Hyderabad for Retail Sales Executive job Role?faq
Ans: No, because of the nature of the job, the Work from home option is not available for Retail Sales Executive job role. You can explore available . You can also view other job types like Fresher Jobs in Hyderabad, Work From Home Jobs in Hyderabad and Part Time Jobs in Hyderabad.
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