1. Take Charge of Previous Shift work schedule if any dispute execute solution on SOS (Sample dyeing, urgent and Pending Lab development, Maintenance Work).
2. Take charge of machine and batch position.
3. Check all R&D and machine surrounding area and ensure it's properly clean.
4. Check refreshment of all R&D chemicals.
5. Prepare excel report of previous day batch wise finishing Ph report and submit to R&D manager.
6. Prepare Dyes Solution 48hrs Interval.
7. Execution of batch calculation & Pipetting.
8. Note the recipe of sample dyeing pot and paste on the Dyed sample.
9. Check all dyes, chemical, fuel quality and report to R&D Manager.
10. Ensure the water quality test report and update frequently daily.
11. Preserve the RFD fabric According quality wise & customer wise for lab recipe development.
12. Find out the recipe card for repeat batch and Hanover to R&D manager for cross check.
13. Checking of R&D Equipment & Testing chemical stock periodically and give report to R&D Manager.
14. Ensure the properly cleaning of R&D Equipment with Proper SOP Periodically.
15. Note down instant feed back of operator/Helper in pocket dairy and check with R&D Manager. .
16. Check all rules & regulations are following in proper manner.
17. For time being coordinate all Q.A operations.