It is an opportunity for us to learn how hiring happens in this segment and to help our recruiters in getting the best candidates
On the other hand, we are helping job seekers find relevant jobs for free.
No, we are not a consultant. We are here to provide the best staff for your requirement while charging no fees from job seekers.
Currently Job Hai Recruiter is available on Google Play store and you can also access the website to post a job.
You can directly contact us on:
Email id -
Contact number- 1800-203-5244
Use ‘Need Help’ in-app to initiate assistance via Whatsapp
Below are 4 easy steps for free Job Posting:-
Download Application or Login to Job Hai Recruiter on Browser
Click on “I need staff”’
Sign up/Login using your mobile number and OTP
Fill in the required details to post a job
Recruiter can use our post a job feature to post up to three jobs at any given time and upto five job post in a given month (including job edit and job refresh).
Recruiters can always purchase paid products if they have more requirements
Job Hai is a free Job Posting portal for recruiters